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The question the artists posed was: what is the problem of contemporaneity? How can we record the greatest amount of information in a time when, over time, all that remains of memories is a mass of codes? Will we be able to decipher them in the future?
There is no solution, but perhaps one cause could be having such a vast amount of space and not knowing how to manage it; the issue of control that we have lost over the overwhelming creation of data.
FOLDER 01/02
Spazio Polaresco, Bergamo

Art Exhibition
Square Studio

Curated by: Clara Scola

Artists: Mattia Cesaria, Giulia Davì, Martina Dierico, Umberto Meroni, Anna Pezzoli, Giulia Tripoli, Pietro Vitali

In collaboration with:
Spazio Polaresco
Youth Policies Department of the Municipality of Bergamo
"The contemporary is the one who fixes their gaze on their time, to perceive not the lights, but the darkness. All times are, for those who perceive their contemporaneity, dark. The contemporary is the one who knows how to see this darkness, who is able to write by dipping the pen into the darkness of the present. But what does it mean to 'see a darkness,' 'to perceive the dark'?"

It is from this statement by Agamben that folder_01 and folder_02 take shape, a two-chapter exhibition that investigates the fundamental essence of memory and its erasure, and the liberation from the data and information that constitute the liquid and immaterial magma in our digital devices, our new immaterial memory dictated by the contemporary.
The question the artists posed was: what is the problem of contemporaneity? How can we record the greatest amount of information in a time when, over time, all that remains of memories is a mass of codes? Will we be able to decipher them in the future?
There is no solution, but perhaps one cause could be having such a vast amount of space and not knowing how to manage it; the issue of control that we have lost over the overwhelming creation of data.
"The contemporary is the one who fixes their gaze on their time, to perceive not the lights, but the darkness. All times are, for those who perceive their contemporaneity, dark. The contemporary is the one who knows how to see this darkness, who is able to write by dipping the pen into the darkness of the present. But what does it mean to 'see a darkness,' 'to perceive the dark'?"

It is from this statement by Agamben that folder_01 and folder_02 take shape, a two-chapter exhibition that investigates the fundamental essence of memory and its erasure, and the liberation from the data and information that constitute the liquid and immaterial magma in our digital devices, our new immaterial memory dictated by the contemporary.

If folder_01 explored the fundamental essence of memory, folder_02 takes a more abstract and conceptual approach: the erasure and release of data and information—the fluid, immaterial magma stored within our devices. The darkness that follows. We have been overwhelmed by an entity without a face, where privacy no longer exists because we have become the “property” of other meta-objects. The exhibition invites us to close our eyes and begin to truly perceive our time.