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The revival project of Latera will be carried out through the involvement of both national and international artists, who will be invited to share the concept and, most importantly, create site-specific contemporary art interventions. The idea, design, and execution, all in connection with the place, will be carried out with the full involvement of the local residents.
In the first phase of the project, the sculptors experienced and got to know the Borgo of Latera through an artist residency, where they explored the most suitable locations to imagine and create their works. They also engaged deeply with the local community through conversations with residents, stories of historical anecdotes, photographs, and local memories. The installation of the sculptures is scheduled for April 2025.
Latera (VT)

Public art
Latera the Art Farm

Project Coordinator: Saint Francis Ways
Production Company: Except S.R.L
In Collaboration with: Euromedia S.r.l
We imagine this journey connected by a shared intention, discussed, elaborated, and conceived by the selected artists after or during a meeting with the local residents, followed by a thorough exploration of the village (a residency to get acquainted before the active intervention).
At the end of the project, the works will remain in their place of origin, as they were specifically designed and created for that very location. This will result in a collection of contemporary art that will be placed in various spots, creating a museum diffuso (a widespread museum). All proposals will be gathered in detailed maps, available both online and on recycled paper, enhancing and enriching the local tourism offer.
The driving idea behind the Latera project is rooted in the village’s history, its small artisan shops, now vanished, its many small houses clustered closely together, and the beautiful chestnut grove framing it all.
The revival project of Latera will be carried out through the involvement of both national and international artists, who will be invited to share the concept and, most importantly, create site-specific contemporary art interventions. The idea, design, and execution, all in connection with the place, will be carried out with the full involvement of the local residents.
In the first phase of the project, the sculptors experienced and got to know the Borgo of Latera through an artist residency, where they explored the most suitable locations to imagine and create their works. They also engaged deeply with the local community through conversations with residents, stories of historical anecdotes, photographs, and local memories. The installation of the sculptures is scheduled for April 2025.
We imagine this journey connected by a shared intention, discussed, elaborated, and conceived by the selected artists after or during a meeting with the local residents, followed by a thorough exploration of the village (a residency to get acquainted before the active intervention).
At the end of the project, the works will remain in their place of origin, as they were specifically designed and created for that very location. This will result in a collection of contemporary art that will be placed in various spots, creating a museum diffuso (a widespread museum). All proposals will be gathered in detailed maps, available both online and on recycled paper, enhancing and enriching the local tourism offer.
The driving idea behind the Latera project is rooted in the village’s history, its small artisan shops, now vanished, its many small houses clustered closely together, and the beautiful chestnut grove framing it all.

During the second residency held in the village of Latera for the artistic redevelopment project Latera The ArtFarm, the sculptors drew inspiration from the stories and tales of those who still live and work in this place, sharing anecdotes about local traditions. The warm welcome from Latera’s residents and their desire to be part of the change allowed us, as the artistic direction, along with the artists, to deeply explore the history, narratives, and unique characteristics of the village. Many skilled artisans guided us in discovering Latera’s most hidden and unconventional spots—remote, less touristy areas where we could not only investigate local customs and traditions but also learn about the trades and tools that have sustained the Laterese people over the years.