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Square Studio, on the occasion of the "One Planet For All" event, sponsored by Cesvi Onlus, created a street art piece with the internationally renowned Palermo-based artist Loste. The artwork was focused on a wall at the Calvino Primary School in Colognola (BG). The themes addressed include the hunger for change, which increasingly affects younger generations, and nature as a fragile ecosystem to defend by combating climate change.
"I. Calvino" Primary School, Bergamo

Street Art
Cesvi Onlus

Project Partnet:
Comune di Bergamo
Cesvi, always committed to sustainable development, is a partner of the 1Planet4All program, which aims to raise awareness and engage young people from 12 European countries on the issue of climate change. As part of the 1Planet4All program, a street art piece was inaugurated on Wednesday, June 8, 2023, at the "V. Muzio" Comprehensive Institute - I. Calvino Campus. The artwork, created by artist Loste with the artistic direction of SquareWorld Studio, was realized in collaboration with the Municipality of Bergamo. The artwork serves as a new reminder to protect planet Earth, preserve it, and pass it on to future generations. The Earth belongs to all of us; it is not ours to own, but we are its guardians, and we have a natural duty to protect and preserve it for the generations to come. From this thought, the artwork tells its story through images of children planting and playing with nature, all within the context of the location where the mural is displayed: the courtyard of a primary school.
Square Studio, on the occasion of the "One Planet For All" event, sponsored by Cesvi Onlus, created a street art piece with the internationally renowned Palermo-based artist Loste. The artwork was focused on a wall at the Calvino Primary School in Colognola (BG). The themes addressed include the hunger for change, which increasingly affects younger generations, and nature as a fragile ecosystem to defend by combating climate change.
Cesvi, always committed to sustainable development, is a partner of the 1Planet4All program, which aims to raise awareness and engage young people from 12 European countries on the issue of climate change. As part of the 1Planet4All program, a street art piece was inaugurated on Wednesday, June 8, 2023, at the "V. Muzio" Comprehensive Institute - I. Calvino Campus. The artwork, created by artist Loste with the artistic direction of SquareWorld Studio, was realized in collaboration with the Municipality of Bergamo. The artwork serves as a new reminder to protect planet Earth, preserve it, and pass it on to future generations. The Earth belongs to all of us; it is not ours to own, but we are its guardians, and we have a natural duty to protect and preserve it for the generations to come. From this thought, the artwork tells its story through images of children planting and playing with nature, all within the context of the location where the mural is displayed: the courtyard of a primary school.

"Cesvi has always been committed to encouraging children and young people—both inside and outside of school—to take an active role in the fight against climate change and in promoting more inclusive and sustainable communities," says Lylen Albani, Italy Area Manager. "In recent years, we at Cesvi have carried out several projects in Bergamo using participatory methodologies, involving students from schools of all levels. The children of Calvino Primary School played an active role in selecting the content and creating the artwork, and they were thrilled with the result. Their satisfaction means a lot to us."