The focus of SUBSTRUCTURE is on urban space and the physical and social structures that define it, exploring spaces, both personal and collective, imaginary and material, micro-environments that reflect the author with illusory boundaries. The artists were invited to investigate society, whether real or utopian, its dynamics, the meaning of physical and virtual places, and universal rules.
Spazio Giacomo, Bergamo
Art Exhibition
Square Studio
With the patronage of the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo
Artists: Anna Banfi, Luca Brama, Simona Carrello, Mattia Cesaria, Matteo Concilio, Giulia Davì, Giulia De Martiis, Paolo Gamba, Nicola Ghiradelli, Tecalign Gotti, Jan Hartungen, Francesco Penci, Carlo Persico, Marco Pigoli, Caterina Pogna, Francesca Germana Romano, Pietro Vitali.
Spazio Giacomo, Bergamo
Art Exhibition
Square Studio
With the patronage of the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo
Artists: Anna Banfi, Luca Brama, Simona Carrello, Mattia Cesaria, Matteo Concilio, Giulia Davì, Giulia De Martiis, Paolo Gamba, Nicola Ghiradelli, Tecalign Gotti, Jan Hartungen, Francesco Penci, Carlo Persico, Marco Pigoli, Caterina Pogna, Francesca Germana Romano, Pietro Vitali.
The project stems from an artist residency promoted by the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo within its exhibition spaces at Via Quarenghi 33, in the heart of Bergamo. The residency concludes with the inauguration of Substructure, an exhibition that opens the doors of the studio where the artists lived during the residency period and presents the outcomes of the project to the city.
The focus of SUBSTRUCTURE is on urban space and the physical and social structures that define it, exploring spaces, both personal and collective, imaginary and material, micro-environments that reflect the author with illusory boundaries. The artists were invited to investigate society, whether real or utopian, its dynamics, the meaning of physical and virtual places, and universal rules.














The project stems from an artist residency promoted by the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo within its exhibition spaces at Via Quarenghi 33, in the heart of Bergamo. The residency concludes with the inauguration of Substructure, an exhibition that opens the doors of the studio where the artists lived during the residency period and presents the outcomes of the project to the city.
For the inauguration, in addition to the exhibition at Spazio Giacomo on Via Quarenghi 33, the urban space hosted interventions by two network artists. At the Largo Medaglie d'Oro intersection, Mattia Cesaria’s video installation Eyes was displayed, while in Piazza Cavour, Anna Banfi presented the video projection Real Light.