TEDxBergamo ha scelto Squareworld Studio come #MainPartner di questa edizione per la quale abbiamo ideato e curato la scenografia multimediale del palco e la comunicazione video dell’evento. TEDxBergamo è un evento realizzato con lo spirito e l’esperienza TED (acronimo di Technology, Entertainment, Design): una delle conferenze e delle organizzazioni no-profit più grandi e famose al mondo. Arrivati a Bergamo con la sesta edizione dal titolo "Ricetta Futuro".
Teatro Donizetti, Bergamo (IT)
Multimedia Artistic Set Design and Audio-visual Production
TEDx Bergamo
Project partners:
Neoncolor S.R.L.
DMP Movies
infinite Officine S.R.L.
Teatro Donizetti, Bergamo (IT)
Multimedia Artistic Set Design and Audio-visual Production
TEDx Bergamo
Project partners:
Neoncolor S.R.L.
DMP Movies
infinite Officine S.R.L.
TEDxBergamo chose Squareworld Studio as the Main Partner for this edition, where we designed and curated the multimedia stage set and video communication for the event. TEDxBergamo is an event held in the spirit and experience of TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design), one of the largest and most renowned non-profit conferences and organizations in the world. The event marked its sixth edition in Bergamo, titled "Ricetta Futuro" (Recipe for the Future).
TEDxBergamo ha scelto Squareworld Studio come #MainPartner di questa edizione per la quale abbiamo ideato e curato la scenografia multimediale del palco e la comunicazione video dell’evento. TEDxBergamo è un evento realizzato con lo spirito e l’esperienza TED (acronimo di Technology, Entertainment, Design): una delle conferenze e delle organizzazioni no-profit più grandi e famose al mondo. Arrivati a Bergamo con la sesta edizione dal titolo "Ricetta Futuro".
















TEDxBergamo chose Squareworld Studio as the Main Partner for this edition, where we designed and curated the multimedia stage set and video communication for the event. TEDxBergamo is an event held in the spirit and experience of TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design), one of the largest and most renowned non-profit conferences and organizations in the world. The event marked its sixth edition in Bergamo, titled "Ricetta Futuro" (Recipe for the Future).
Below is the video of the audiovisual performance that opened the official event. Inspired by the concept of Ricetta Futuro—where the X of TEDx Bergamo represents a container for the best "recipes" to build the future—the installation featured three large X-shaped structures placed on stage. Through a perspective play of immersion and emergence, these Xs symbolized the natural cycle of evolution, representing the flow of time: past, present, and future. The three Xs acted as containers, filled with three-dimensional elements to give them volume. At a key moment during the event, a multimedia performance brought the installation to life, as an artist interacted with it, making it a dynamic and immersive experience.